Michal Špecián

Media Highlights

I've been fortunate to share my insights and experiences across various platforms, from conferences to podcasts, showcasing my journey and sharing lessons learned.

For inquiries, please email: info@scaleport.io


Ambizion Conference 2024

Date: 8-June-2024

Location: Tallinn, Estonia

Website: https://amzsummits.com/events/ambizion-2024/

Attendees: 200

My Topic: How To Systemize Your Business For Scalable Success

Honest FBA Live 2024

Date: 9-May-2024

Location: London, United Kingdom

Website: https://go.honestfba.com/hfbalivelanding

Attendees: 200

My Topic: How to Scale and Sell for 8 Figures

European Seller Conference 2023

Date: 8-June-2023

Location: Prague, Czech Republic

Website: https://europeansellerconference.com/

Attendees: 200

My Topic: How We Scaled To 8 Figures With 2 Employees

E-climb Summit 2023

Date: 22-September-2023

Location: London, United Kingdom

Website: https://eclimbsummit.com/

Attendees: 40

My Topic: Developing a System-Driven Strategy for Consistent Growth

Ecollative Global 2023

Date: 13-February-2023

Location: Cape Town, South Africa

Website: https://www.ecollativeglobal.com/

Attendees: 40

My Topic: Systemize. Delegate. Scale.


The Man Who Scaled My Amazon FBA Business to 8 Figures

Interview with Michal’s business partner, Myles Dunphy, digging into their business structure

How They Grew & Sold an 8 FIGURE Amazon FBA Brand

Interview with Honest FBA, diving into workflows and operational efficiency

The Secret To Making $10M on Amazon: Exclusive Interview

Interview with Sumner Hobart, exploring Michal’s hiring and management methodology

Helping Amazon Sellers Systemize Their Businesses

Podcast: The Smartest Amazon Seller

Episode: 196

Link: The Smartest Amazon Seller: Episode 196

How to Scale and Sell an 8-Figure Amazon FBA Business

Podcast: Let's Talk Exits

Episode: 044

Link: Let's Talk Exits: Episode 044

For inquiries, please email: info@scaleport.io

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